Holy Hesychasterion "Evangelist John the Theologian"
Holy Hesychasterion "Evangelist John the Theologian"
By the Holy Hesychasterion Evangelist John the Theologian in Vasilika, Thessaloni, Greece.
Size: 6.5" x 9.5" (16.7 x 24.3 cm)
Pages: 190
Binding: Softcover
From the Prologue:
"The present publication has been provided in response to the requests of the many pilgrims and visitors who wish to learn about the history of the Hesychasterion, as well as the lives of its patron Saints.
The history of the Holy Hesychasterion Evangelist John the Theologian is rather short; October of 2020 marked fifty-three years since its first Sisters were settled here. Its founding is attributed primarily to Saint Paisios the Athonite. It was he who, from the start, saw to both its structural and spiritual foundation, endowed it with the sacred relics of Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian, and guided the Sisterhood, for twenty-eight years (1966-1994), with its divine wisdom and love. After having fallen asleep in the Lord, he rests in accordance with his wish, on the premises of the Heschaterion, next to the Church of Saint Arsenios.
The book begins with an informative section about the region in which the Hesychasterion is located, and is followed by a short summary of its journey up until the present time. The subsequent chapters include excerpts on the subject of monasticism taken from unpublished letters which Saint Paisios had addressed to the Sisterhood. These, in turn, are followed by..."
From the Contents:
- Prologue
- The Region
- The Hesychasterion: A Brief Retrospective of its History
- On Monasticism From Unpublished Letters of Saint Paisios
- Brief Biographies